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Discover how greenA and its member firms are making a difference through our diverse range of projects. From reducing carbon footprints to promoting ethical supply chains, our projects showcase the power of collective action in tackling global challenges.

Environmental monitoring for Pelješac bridge, Croatia

Client: Hrvatske ceste (Croatian Roads – public road infrastructure management company)

Funding: co-financed from the Cohesion Fund of the European Union

Country: Croatia

Duration: 7/2017 – 12/2023



Project description:

Pelješac bridge is part of ‘Road connection with southern Dalmatia’ project – Direct road link between disconnected Croatian regions. Project includes construction of the bridge 2,4 km long, and connecting and access roads. The value of the project is 526 million euros, the investor is Croatian Roads, and the project is co-financed from the Cohesion Fund of the European Union.

The bridge spans Mali Ston Bay designated as special marine reserve. Construction on sea included drilling and placing over 130 piles into the seabed, meant to support 10 bridge supporting columns. Works in the sea and on the seabed and the constant presence of work machinery were a constant risk for this sensitive marine ecosystem.

Services performed:

Services included environmental monitoring of environmental components and ecological network, on sea and land, for Pelješac bridge and its access roads. Environmental monitoring was performed during pre-construction, construction and first year operation period.

Environmental and Social Assessment for EBRD; HEP GoGreen - Solar Power Plants, Croatia

Client: EBRD Croatia

Funding: EBRD

Country: Croatia

Duration: 11/2011 – 6/2022



Project description:

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) considered providing finance to Hrvatska Elektroprivreda (HEP), a joint stock company established in Croatia and 100% owned by the Government of Croatia. The loan proceeds will be used to co-finance, alongside European Investment Bank (EIB), the HEP’s investment cycle representing a continuation of the cooperation between EBRD and EIB established on the previous project. Projects for which ES audits have been performed and preparation of all relevant documentation was done considered 26 small-size solar PVs with a total capacity of nearly 500 MW, modernisation and extension of the electricity distribution infrastructure via in length of more than 10,650 km and implementation of more than 500k of advanced smart meters in various locations of the country. The Loan will be used to finance construction of 5 solar power plants with a total capacity of nearly 130 MW.

Services performed:
Identification of the Project-related environmental and social impacts and risks; Confirmation of the Projects categorisation;

Description and characterization of relevant environmental and social baseline commensurate with the risks posed by the Project;

Environmental and Social Audit of the Company and Assessment report to cover the Bank’s requirements, including a Compliance Summary table with the Banks’ PRs, categorisation of each of the 26 PVs and identification of any further studies that may be necessary;

Preparation of Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) and Non-Technical Summary (NTS).

Development of the framework for the management of the ecological network Natura 2000, Croatia

Client: Ministry of economy and sustainable development, Republic of Croatia

Funding: co-financed from EU funds

Country: Croatia

Duration: 5/2021 – 10/2023



Project description:

Identification of the Project-related environmental and social impacts and risks; Confirmation of the Projects categorisation;

Description and characterization of relevant environmental and social baseline commensurate with the risks posed by the Project;

Environmental and Social Audit of the Company and Assessment report to cover the Bank’s requirements, including a Compliance Summary table with the Banks’ PRs, categorisation of each of the 26 PVs and identification of any further studies that may be necessary;

Preparation of Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) and Non-Technical Summary (NTS).

Services performed:
Component 1: Development of educational programs (modular training curriculum)

Component 2: Organization and implementation of modular trainings and technical meetings

Component 3: Expert thematic lecturers

Component 4: Accommodation of employees of the client (user and partner) of the project

Component 5: Ensuring additional technical conditions for the implementation of the event

Component 6: Training and professional development needs assessment analysis and identification gaps in the implementation of the Program

Feasibility and environmental and social impact assessment for Southern Gas Interconnector, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Client: BH Gas d.o.o., Sarajevo

Funding: project financed by USAid, and monitored by EBRD

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Duration: 1/2020 – 6/2021





Project description:

Establishment of the Southern Gas Interconnector pipeline as a new supply route which will provide a diversified, secure and reliable natural gas supply of consumers in FBiH/BiH, and enable gasification of a southern part of BiH. Main gas pipeline route is approx. 114 km long, having in addition 48 km branch to Mostar, making it in total 162 km long.

Services performed:
The main objective of the Project was to carry out a technical and socio-environmental due diligence for the construction of Croatia/BiH border – Posušje – Novi Travnik with a branch to Mostar, which includes:
• Financial, market, technical and socio-environmental analyses necessary for the due diligence of the project for the EBRD to be able to take a financing decision on the project.
• A detailed environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) and public consultations in line with the EBRD’s Environmental Policy (2019) as well as in line with local legislation.

Support to the implementation of the Association Agreement and of the National Strategy in the transport sector in the Ukraine (AASISTS) – Strategic environmental assessment, Ukraine

Client: Dornier Consulting International Gmbh; Egis International

Funding: EuropeAid

Country: Ukraine

Duration: 11/16 – 12/16 + 2/19 – 06/19

Project description:

Preparation of the Strategic Environmental Assessment study (SEA) for the Ukrainian National Transport Strategy.

Services performed:
Overview of draft Strategy and action plans, Draft SEA scoping, Preparation of draft SEA, Assistance in the approval procedure of the SEA (during public consultations and approval by the Ministry of Environment) – Facilitation and expert support for stakeholder consultations and inter-ministerial coordination for the approval of the SEA, Preparation of final SEA, Preparation of Final SEA report.

Environmental and social impact assessment for Vinča energy-from-waste facility, construction of the new landfill and remediation of the existing landfill, Belgrade, Serbia

Client: EGIS Serbia

Funding: EBRD

Country: Serbia

Duration: 01/2018 – 09/2019


Project description:

The Project involves the closure of the existing landfill site at Vinča and establishment of a new EU-compliance solid waste facility at the same site. Vinča is located west of Belgrade, approximately 12 km from the city center and it covers approximately 70ha. The site is 40 years old and receives around 550,000 tonnes of municipal solid waste (MSW) each year from 13 of the 17 Belgrade municipalities.

Services performed:
Preparation of the Environmental And Social Impact Assessment Study (ESIA). The objective of the ESIA is to analyze the current state of the environment, to determine the impact of the planned project on the environmental components and propose protection measures and environmental monitoring program that would mitigate the negative impacts to acceptable levels. The ESIA assess the acceptability of the planned intervention for the environment, based on the factors that condition the spread, the intensity and the duration of the impact.

Environmental studies for Environomental Permit for the Săcele windfarm, România

Client: Eolenerg Project S.R.L (Private company, developer of renewable energy projects)

Funding: financed from National Recovery and Resilience Plan

Country: Romania

Duration: 01/2024 – 03/2024


Project description:

Săcele wind farm is one of the projects that will generate electricity from wind sources that will be implemented in the Dobrogea region (southeastern Romania). The project includes the construction of 12 wind turbines that will generate an installed power of 50 MW, as well as the construction of access roads, underground electric lines and a transformer station. The value of the project is 55 million euros, the investor is Eolenerg Project S.R.L, and the project is financed from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

Wind farms are known to generate potentially significant negative impacts on bird and bat species. The Săcele wind farm is located in a sensitive area, with 3 turbines located in a Natura 2000 site designated for the conservation of bird species: ROSPA0031 Delta Dunării şi Complexul Razim Sinoe and the other 9 in its vicinity. At the same time, the wind farm is located next to a Special Area of Conservation, designated for the conservation of bat species.

Services performed:
The services performed involved the elaboration of an Environmental Impact Assessment, as well as an Appropriate Assessment for Natura 2000 sites. Considering the sensitivity of the area and the project type, a particular importance was given to the assessment of impacts on birds and bats, generated by the collision of individuals with turbine blades in operation.

The results of the assessment implied the need for the implementation of the most effective measures to reduce and avoid the risk of collision, represented by the implementation of a shut down-on-demand system and modifications to the operating regime of the turbines by increasing the turbines cut-in speed.

Environmental impact assessment for the Târgu Mureş – Târgu Neamţ Motorway, Romania

Client: Compania Naţională de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere (Romanian National Company for Road Infrastructure Management)

Funding: co-financed from various financing mechanisms of the European Union

Country: Romania

Duration: 2019 – 2023


Project description:

The Târgu Mureş – Târgu Neamţ project is a 213 km long stretch of motorway, aimed at connecting the historical regions of Transylvania in the West and Moldova in the East. From a functional point of view, it is part of the TEN-T corridor of the EU, and its main purpose is to improve mobility and facilitate access to Eastern Romania.
The motorway is proposed in a very sensitive area, from the point of view of wildlife. The proposed route crosses two important mountain ranges, as well as part of the Carpathian foothills, important areas for ecological connectivity for large mammals. Apart from protected areas, the motorway intersects priority habitats, known bear dens, and critical connectivity areas, where wildlife movement has been confirmed through more than 10 years of systematic monitoring.

The project is expected to generate different types of direct impacts, from habitat loss, to fragmentation and fauna mortality. Moreover, as the motorway will represent the main link between Eastern and Western Carpathians, it is expected to attract additional traffic on existing roads, and thus bring about indirect at-distance effects, through its influence on the regional road traffic patterns.

Services performed:
The services performed involved the elaboration of an Environmental Impact Assessment, as well as an Appropriate Assessment for Natura 2000 sites and a Water Framework Assessment for water bodies. Considering the sensitivity of the area, a particular importance was given to the assessment of impacts on ecological connectivity, including potential impacts on connectivity, generated by changes to the traffic levels on adjacent National and County roads.

The results of the assessment implied the need for the usual road infrastructure related measures, such as noise panels, anticollision panels, underpasses and ecoducts over the motorway. However, they also indicated the need for a novel approach, to address road permeability issues on adjacent roads. Thus, because road traffic estimations indicated that after the construction of the motorway, the road traffic on nearby roads will either remain very high (and thus those roads will remain a barrier for wildlife movement) or will increase (making previously permeable roads impermeable and further restricting the possibility for wildlife movement), the EIA proposed the implementation of ecoducts on adjacent National Roads, at a distance of several kilometres from the proposed motorway. These ecoducts will cross existing barriers (National Roads and railways), in areas of ecological corridors, where currently there is a high number of animal – vehicle collisions with wildlife and represent one of the first efforts for landscape defragmentation in Romania.

Decarbonisation of an industrial production process, Belgium

Client: Industrial animal feed companies (#2 sites) – Nuscience
Production sites of roofing Materials (#2 sites) – Soprema
Industrial laundry – MEWA Belgium

Country: Belgium


Duration: 2023 – 2024

Project description:

RSK Energy was asked by these companies to carry out energy audits to identify energy savings opportunities. In addition, appropriate solutions were also sought to make the companies carbon neutral. In addition to the classic solutions with the production of renewable energy (solar and small scale wind), technical research was also carried out into changing the processes themselves. RSK Energy investigated the technical and financial feasibility of electrifying (parts of) the processes. In a first step, the low temperature heat demand was separated to be fed with heat pump energy. The use of electric boilers was examined for the remaining high temperature requirements. (steam and thermal oil). In addition to the pre-engineering of these technical solutions, the financial analysis of the intervention was also made and the client was assisted for a request for tenders with quality suppliers of the equipment. Due to the confidentiality of these assignments, no detailed information can be provided.

ISO 50001 Energy management consulting and auditing, Netherlands

Client: Flemish Agency for Facility Operations (+100 Buildings) – HFB Flanders – Belgium
Public employment service of Flanders (+ 60 Buildings) – VDAB Flanders – Belgium
Combined heat and Power production plant – Air Liquide / Shell site Rotterdam
Production of high performance thermal materials for electric vehicles – Sekisui Roermond

Country: Netherlands

Duration: 2023 – 2024

Project description:

RSK Energy guides industrial companies and public authorities in setting up and auditing energy management systems according to ISO 50001. The service consists of advice on the operational management of energy management in all business processes, such as production, maintenance, engineering, but also elements such as energy monitoring and competency management and awareness building of employees. The advisory process consists of periodic advisory and training sessions that culminate in a final external audit and certification of the energy management. This certificate guarantees that the company pays attention to the continuous improvement of its energy performance throughout all relevant business processes. This certificate is also valuable to show external stakeholders (customers, investors, …) that the company makes every effort to guarantee maximum energy efficiency.

CSRD – Corporate Sustainability reporting, Belgium and Netherlands

Client: Industrial Bakeries (#4), Crelem Bakeries Rotterdam
Production of high performance thermal materials for electric vehicles – Sekisui Roermond

Country: Belgium and Netherlands

Duration: 2024 (9 months)

Project description:

The European CRSD directive requires large companies to report annually on sustainability performance. This reporting is verified together with the financial statements by an independent verifier. RSK Energy, together with RSK Benelux, guides companies in the analysis of sustainability aspects throughout the value chain and the reporting of sustainability aspects:
1. Energy and climate
2. Emissions and pollution
3. Materials and circularity
4. Water resources
5. Biodiversity
6. Social issues and Governance issues.
The service starts with a due diligence audit of the different sites, after which the sustainability aspects are examined through an analysis of the impacts, risks and opportunities. (the so-called double materiality analysis). This exercise is done in workshop style with the customer, and RSK ensures that the reporting is fully compliant with the requirements of the CSRD guideline.

Infrastructure Projects Facility; Technical Assistance 6 (IPF 6); WB15-REG-ENE-01, Preliminary Design of the Ionian Adriatic Gas Pipeline, Montenegro and Albania

Client: Consortium Safege -Eptisa – PM Group – TRACTEBEL

Country: Albania, Montenegro

Funding: EBRD, EIB – Western Balkans Investment Framework project

Duration: 08/2018-1/2021

Project description:

The overall objectives of the Ionian Adriatic pipeline (IAP) are the introduction an environmentally more acceptable energy source in the region (gas transport infrastructure development); providing diversified gas supply to the region; providing access to Croatian and Albanian storage capacities; providing significant transit capacity and income to Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina , Montenegro and Croatia; creating the preconditions for closing the Adriatic gas ring and the connection with the Italian, Slovenian and Hungarian gas systems; supporting the regional concept of South European Gas Ring; and reducing CO2 emissions in the region and facilitating economic development. The overall cost of entire Ionian Adriatic pipeline is around €586 million.

Services performed:

-Preliminary design for the Albanian and Montenegrin section of IAP, built upon previous feasibility studies and compliant with the relevant legislation and spatial planning documentation of Albania and Montenegro
-Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Albanian and Montenegrin section of IAP, prepared in accordance with national legislations and international requirements (EBRD PRS 2019. edition) with the public consultation process
-Preliminary Investment Cost for the Albanian and Montenegrin section of IAP
-Project Implementation Plan for the Albanian and Montenegrin section of IAP

Environmental monitoring for Baltic Pipe, Poland

Client: Rambøll Danmark A/S for final Client Gaz-System,
is a strategic company of the Polish gas pipeline operator

Country: Poland/Sweden/Denmark

Duration: 2017 – 2020


Project description:

The Baltic Pipe project is a strategic infrastructure project aimed at creating a new gas supply corridor in the European market. It makes it possible, for the first time ever, to transport gas directly from fields located in Norway to markets in Denmark and Poland, as well as to customers in the neighboring countries of Central and Eastern Europe. At the same time, the Baltic Pipe project allows bi-directional transmission, i.e. gas can be supplied from Poland to Denmark.
900 km estimated total length of gas pipelines
4 gas compressor stations
10 M m3 offshore gas pipeline capacity

Services performed:

Services included environmental monitoring of environmental components and ecological network, on sea and land, for two routes’ proposal of Baltic Pipe. Performance of analytical, research and design works to obtain construction permit and other permits for the Baltic-Pipe. Environmental monitoring and Environmental Impact Assessment Report was performed for
the pre-construction phase. Under another project performed in 2023, in a direct business line with Gaz-System, MEWO completed environmental monitoring and visual inspection of pipeline.

Environmental monitoring for OWF Baltyk I, Poland

Client: Equnior together with Polenergia under MFW Baltyk I Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością (limited liability company). Equnior a concern with a very rich tradition in the field of energy in Norway, and around the world. Polenergia a first Polish private energy group.

Country: Poland

Duration: 2021 – 2022

Project description:

The wind farm area of approximately 130 km² is in the Baltic Sea around 80 kilometers from
the port of Leba, with water depths of 25-35 meters. The Baltyk I OWF is one of three flagship projects being developed in partnership by Equinor and Polenergia in Poland. Once operational, it will be one of the largest wind farms in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea, reaching a capacity of 1560 MW.

Services performed:

Services included environmental monitoring of environmental components and ecological network, on sea together with full geophysical and geotechnical survey on the area of wind farm. Environmental monitoring and Environmental Impact Assessment Report was performed for
the pre-construction phase.

Mapping the benthic habitats for GIOS, Poland

Client: GIOŚ – Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in Poland

Country: Poland

Duration: 2021 – 2023




Project description:

The Baltic Sea benthic habitats’ survey under the new regulations were carried out for the first time as part of the task entitled ‘Mapping the benthic habitats of Polish maritime areas using
the mosaic bottom sonar method in 2021-2023’. Geophysical surveys were carried out over an area of more than 7,000 km2. This allowed the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection to determine the current extent of benthic habitats found in the Baltic Sea.

Services performed:

The surveys were carried out using multibeam echosounder and side scan sonar. The results of the geophysical surveys were used, among other things, to prepare a digital bottom model and
a sonar mosaic image.

Greenhouse Gas Assessments across Germany

Client: AMEOS Group (Healthcare Provider)

Country: Germany

Funding: private

Duration: 2021 – 2024



Project description:

The AMEOS Group is one of the most important healthcare providers in the German-speaking region. It has 107 facilities spanning 60 locations in Germany.
RSK was first approached by the AMEOS Group in October 2021 with a request to conduct a greenhouse gas assessment (carbon footprint) for all 60 AMEOS sites. Alongside this, the team was asked to conduct an environmental, social and governance (ESG) post-acquisition screening assessment of the whole group, including a visit to a site. The AMEOS Group required a review and development of its ESG approach and management.
The project was a collaborative effort between several global RSK teams.
• EDP was involved in the initial proposal development and coordination of the project.
• RSK Alenco GmbH, the German branch of the RSK Group, provided German-speaking project management and translation services and executed the ESG audit on-site.
• RSK Polska was responsible for expert ESG guidance, support, overall ESG assessment and reporting.
• Nature Positive delivered the greenhouse gas assessment and a high-level energy review of the assets.
For the greenhouse gas assessment, all three scopes were assessed, with an initial focus on the more direct (scopes 1 and 2) emission sources, followed by an assessment of indirect (scope 3) ones. Each of the involved teams provided unique competencies, which, when brought together, secured a product in line with the client’s expectations.

Services performed:

ESG post-acquisition screening assessment
• High-level post-acquisition ESG screening to identify key risk areas requiring corrective or remedial action, e.g., infections or clinical waste; general waste management; health and safety or environment, health and safety systems; and operational practices)
• Assessment of returned documents and management responses using a qualitative ranking system
• Interviewing of company management, ESG on-site audit and interviews
• Reporting
Greenhouse gas assessment
• Scope 1 and 2 carbon footprint and report
• High-level energy review
• Scope 3 screening and follow-up assessment

Demonstrating Better Energy Management and Savings Opportunities from the Perspective of a Building Materials Manufacturer

Client: Saint-Gobain Hungary Kft. (Manufacture of building plaster products)

Country: Hungary

Funding: self-financed

Duration: 04/2023 – 02/2024





Project description:

For companies operating in the construction materials industry, energy efficiency is a crucial factor. An advanced manufacturing company, serving international markets, achieved significant energy savings and efficiency improvements by implementing the Wenerate monitoring solution. The following case study illustrates how Saint-Gobain Hungary Kft. achieved these results and what steps they took towards more sustainable operations.

The main issue for the company was that although production management could be tracked using digital tools, energy costs and potential savings opportunities remained hidden. The invisibility of energy costs made it difficult to prioritize energy-saving interventions and optimize manufacturing processes.

Services performed:

After the corporate implementation of the Wenerate software, a sub-metering system was established to separately measure the energy consumption of individual production lines. The introduction of new sub-meters made it evident that the continuous operation of the central exhaust system was causing significant energy wastage.

Since noticing the daily energy demand for the unnecessary continuous operation of the exhaust system, the company has been able to save an average of 200 kWh/day. This translates to annual savings of around €7500 for them.

By introducing intermittent use of the exhaust system, the company saved approximately 200 kWh of electricity per workday, resulting in annual energy cost savings of €8000/year. However, further energy efficiency opportunities were identified within the company, such as upgrading motors older than 15 years and refurbishing the compressed air network.

The implementation of the Wenerate monitoring system clarified energy consumption data, enabling the company to achieve significant savings without additional investments. Improving energy efficiency not only resulted in cost savings but also contributed to more sustainable operations. Leveraging additional energy-saving opportunities provides even greater competitive advantage in the international market.

This case study exemplifies how the introduction of modern technologies and digital solutions can identify and exploit energy-saving opportunities in a construction material manufacturing company.

Untapped energy efficiency potential of the plastics industry, opportunities to increase profits

Alliance member: Wenerate Kft., Hungary

Client: Orac Slovakia S.R.O. (Plastics product manufacturing)

Country: Slovakia

Funding: self-financed

Duration: 08/2023 – 03/2024


Project description:

In this case study, we demonstrate how significant energy and cost savings can be achieved by implementing an advanced energy management system, using the example of an injection molding company with 150-199 employees and an annual revenue of more than 10 million Eur. Within a single year, the company was able to save €30,000 with the help of the Wenerate energy management system.

Injection molding machines are high-energy-consuming devices, with nominal power typically ranging between 20-110 kW, primarily determined by the injection volume among numerous factors. At the company’s site, a total of 21 sub-metering points have been established. Injection molding machines with a nominal power of less than 50 kW, as well as other equipment serving the site (e.g., compressors, pumps, fans, etc.), have also been equipped with sub-meters.

Services performed:

The Wenerate system enabled them to continuously monitor the energy consumption and performance of injection molding machines, as well as many other energy parameters. The implementation of the system allowed them to identify areas where they could improve efficiency and reduce energy usage, receive alerts for abnormal consumption values, and thus detect faulty machine operations.

The energy management system almost immediately informed the company that injection molding machines occasionally experienced phantom consumption due to being operated at non-optimal times or modes. For an injection molding machine with a nominal power of 80 kW, they were astonished to find that the device’s operational energy cost ranged between 15-24 EUR, given an electricity cost of 0.29 EUR/kWh. This translates to an operational cost of 0.25-0.4 EUR per minute. In the first week following the implementation of the energy management system, they detected 117 minutes of phantom consumption, meaning the machine was on without performing any production activities. Thus, for these 117 minutes, they paid €40 in excess electricity costs for just one injection molding machine. Extrapolating this to 50 weeks — a typical year for them — resulted in a potential savings of 2000 EUR for a single machine.

In addition to immediate energy savings, the Wenerate energy management system demonstrated several other advantages. The company was able to identify voltage-related anomalies because the system sends automatic alerts for under- and over-voltage conditions outside the tolerance range. Besides preventing machine failures, real-time voltage monitoring is crucial because sustained high values can lead to additional costs without affecting production efficiency.

For instance, if the 80 kW nominal electric power injection molding machine operates at 400V voltage and 125A current, assuming a power factor of 0.95, running at 5% higher voltage can result in an additional cost of 1-1.5 EUR per hour at an electricity cost of 0.29 EUR/kWh.

The sub-metering system they implemented differs from other market-available sub-metering systems in that its associated software allows measurements to be assigned to specific equipment types. This maximizes the potential of artificial intelligence (AI)-based analysis. Equipment-specific AI-based consumption analysis can identify consumption patterns indicating potential failures. The company benefited from this AI-supported analysis when the compressor measurements triggered an alert indicating it was operating for more hours and at higher performance than usual. A visual inspection revealed that the issue was caused by a clogged air filter and its improperly scheduled replacement. Immediate feedback and intervention resulted in significant savings for the company.

Regarding the specific return on investment of implementing and maintaining the Wenerate system, it was found to cost the company 22 EUR/measurement point/month, including installation, software usage, and support during the commitment period. In comparison, the savings achieved per measurement point amounted to 143 EUR/month, based on the factors discussed in the article for the specific site. This represents a very short payback period. The key to this is that, along with the implementation of the energy management system, the company’s employees and management must be committed to exploiting the energy-saving potential. The software can highlight a malfunction, excessive energy consumption, or specific waste, but without the company’s willingness to intervene, these insights remain unaddressed. Enhancing production efficiency and company profits is usually in everyone’s best interest, as annual bonuses or salary increases often rely on these metrics.

Cost reduction and profit increase tracking are often performed by the controlling or finance department. To facilitate their work, we created the Wenerate API, which allows data to be transferred to popular enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems such as SAP or Oracle. Additionally, if the production department also requires the data, the Wenerate API can be integrated into most manufacturing execution systems (MES).

At GreenA, we believe that sustainability is not just a goal but a way of doing business that empowers communities, protects our planet, and ensures long-term prosperity. Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond mere words—it is woven into the very fabric of our operations and initiatives.


Responsible Business Practices

Our member firms adhere to the highest standards of ethical governance and social responsibility, ensuring that our operations are environmentally friendly and socially equitable. By promoting transparency and accountability, we build trust and set a benchmark for others to follow. Through research, publications, and participation in industry events, we share knowledge and inspire others to take action.


Education and Advocacy

Empowering sustainability also means empowering people. We are dedicated to educating our clients, partners, and the broader community about the importance of sustainability and how they can contribute to a greener future. Through workshops, seminars, and advocacy campaigns, we raise awareness and inspire action.


Sustainable Development Goals

We align our efforts with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), striving to make a tangible difference in areas such as clean energy, sustainable cities, responsible consumption, and climate action. Our commitment to these global goals underscores our dedication to creating a better world for all.

Tajana Uzelac Obradović


More info soon

Alex Osborn


Alex brings over 20 years of expertise in environmental consultancy to her role as the European EIA Lead at RSK. Specialising in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for a diverse range of infrastructure projects, Alex is renowned for her comprehensive understanding and hands-on experience in every stage of the EIA process.


From project inception to public inquiry support, Alex has played a crucial role in ensuring that projects comply with environmental regulations and standards. Her responsibilities encompass environmental scoping, statutory consultation, production of environmental statements, and public consultation. Alex is also adept at preparing proofs of evidence and providing essential support through public inquiries, ensuring that environmental considerations are thoroughly addressed and documented.


As an experienced project manager, Alex excels in resource and financial management, quality assurance, and tendering. Her meticulous attention to detail and strategic approach ensure that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the highest quality standards.

Marius Nistorescu


Marius Nistorescu holds a BS, MSc and a PhD in ecology. In 2000, he was one of the founding members of EPC Environmental Consultancy, a company in which he currently holds the role of Managing Director. Marius' core competencies are in the field of ecology and ecological reconstruction, with a focus on environmental impact assessment, appropriate assessment and strategic environmental assessment. In addition to the desire to continuously improve the technical and scientific quality of the company's services, provided by a dedicated team of professionals, Marius is also involved in initiatives aimed at bringing together environmental consultants who wish to operate in accordance with Codes of Good Practice.


Marius is a member of the International Association for Impact Assessment and a member of the Scientific Council of the Romanian Environmental Association.

David Coulter


David is the driving force behind RSK Group's strategic business development in Europe. As the Director of Strategic Business Development, he plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of our organisation. With a keen eye for identifying new opportunities and crafting innovative strategies, David ensures that our alliance stays ahead in the competitive landscape of environmental consultancy.


David's expertise lies in formulating and communicating new strategic directions, ensuring that our team is aligned with our vision for sustainable growth. His ability to motivate and inspire employees fosters a culture of dedication and excellence, empowering our workforce to achieve organizational goals.


Under David's leadership, the sales and marketing team thrives, consistently delivering exceptional results. His strategic insights and commitment to sustainable practices make him an invaluable asset to our alliance.

Pawel Gajewski


With over 15 years of extensive field experience, Paweł is a distinguished expert in geophysical, environmental, and geotechnical surveys. As a surveyor and Survey Team Manager, he has honed his skills and knowledge to deliver precise and reliable survey data, ensuring the highest standards of accuracy and efficiency.


Paweł's leadership extends to managing the largest independent company in Poland specializing in these critical survey services. His comprehensive expertise covers a wide range of survey methodologies, making him a versatile professional capable of addressing complex environmental challenges.


Under Paweł's guidance, his team excels in conducting thorough environmental assessments, geophysical investigations, and geotechnical evaluations. His dedication to innovation and excellence ensures that clients receive top-tier service and actionable insights for their projects.

Tim Coutts


Tim is the regional director of the Central and Eastern Europe Region overseeing the management of operations in Hungary, Poland and Turkey, and is a member of the RSK Europe & LATAM leadership team and Deputy Divisional Director of the division with over 33 different businesses and 1,600 employees. With over 25 years of experience in environmental and engineering projects, Tim is a distinguished professional in contaminated land and known for his exceptional client relationship management and comprehensive portfolio oversight for major clients such as Shell, TOTAL, Q8 and ExxonMobil.


Tim's expertise encompasses a wide range of services, including programme and project management, site investigations, quantitative risk assessments, remediation, and site decommissioning. He has successfully led large teams and managed complex projects across Europe, consistently delivering outstanding results while ensuring strict regulatory compliance.


Under Tim's strategic vision and leadership, RSK's operations have significantly expanded across multiple regions. His global experience, which includes managing projects in India, and various European countries including France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Czech, Slovakia and Ukraine, showcases his ability to navigate diverse markets and cultural landscapes effectively. Tim's proficiency in tender submissions, business development, and health and safety protocols further strengthens his capability to drive business growth and operational excellence.


Marta Brkić , President of GreenA Alliance


Marta Brkić was born in Zagreb in 1980. She earned her degree in Landscape Architecture from the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Zagreb, followed by a Master’s degree in Landscape Art and Architecture from the Polytechnic University and the New Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. Marta also holds a Diploma in Business Excellence from Copenhagen Business School and Columbia Business School. Currently, she is pursuing a Ph.D. in Social Sciences at the School of Advanced Social Studies in Slovenia.


Starting her career at DVOKUT-ECRO in 2004, Marta quickly rose to become the CEO by 2008. With almost 20 years of experience, she has led numerous environmental and social impact projects across various European countries. Under her leadership, DVOKUT-ECRO has become a leading multidisciplinary consultancy firm specializing in environmental protection and natural resource management in the region.


Marta has been instrumental in driving the company’s growth and diversification, significantly enhancing its service range and market position. Her commitment to business excellence and sustainable practices has earned DVOKUT-ECRO numerous awards and certifications. She is dedicated to fostering a culture of corporate social responsibility, evidenced by her efforts to promote an inclusive and supportive workplace environment.


In addition to her role at DVOKUT-ECRO, Marta has actively contributed to the professional community through various leadership roles and volunteer work, including serving as President of the Management Board of the Croatian Association of Nature and Environmental Protection Experts (HUSZPO) and as a member of the Board of Governors of the Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development (HR PSOR). Her leadership in these roles underscores her commitment to sustainable business practices and professional excellence.


In 2023, she was awarded for her contribution to the development of women's entrepreneurship in Central and Southeastern Europe by the World Congress of Entrepreneurs.


As President of GreenA Alliance, Marta continues to drive change, leveraging her extensive experience and dedication to sustainability to lead the alliance towards a greener future.

At GreenA, we are committed to driving change through innovative solutions and collaborative efforts. Our goal is to create a significant impact on sustainability and responsible business practices across Europe and beyond.


Innovative Solutions

We are at the forefront of developing and implementing innovative solutions that address the pressing environmental and social challenges of our time. From cutting-edge renewable energy projects to forward-thinking waste management strategies, our member firms leverage the latest technologies and practices to create impactful and sustainable outcomes.


Collaborative Efforts

We believe that change is most effective when driven collectively. By fostering strong partnerships with businesses, governments, non-profits, and communities, we amplify our impact. Our collaborative projects demonstrate the power of working together towards common goals. Through sharing knowledge, we raise awareness about the importance of sustainability and encourage others to join us in driving change.


Empowering Communities

We work closely with local communities to understand their unique challenges and opportunities, developing tailored solutions that promote economic, social, and environmental well-being. By investing in community-driven initiatives, we ensure that our impact is inclusive and far-reaching.


Continuous Improvement

Our commitment to driving change is rooted in a culture of continuous improvement. We regularly assess our practices, learn from our experiences, and adapt to emerging trends and challenges. This ensures that we remain at the forefront of sustainability innovation.